Whether you want to retire to Fuerteventura or are just visiting on holiday I hope you will find plenty here to interest you.
I will try to give you the benefit of our experience of what Fuerteventura is like, where to go and what to see.
I hope you will find plenty to interest you about what it is like being an expat and living in Fuerteventura. Perhaps you are considering retiring to Fuerteventura as we have done or to one of the other Canary Islands. I try to give you the benefit of our experience of what life in Fuerteventura is like.
You will also find lots about what to do in Fuerteventura and what to see if you are coming here on holiday too.
Quite frankly, if we can retire to a place in the sun in Fuerteventura then so can you – if you really want to. It’s not as hard as you might think and it isn’t about luck, nor is it a matter of needing lots of money.
If you own a house in the UK, or wherever, you have the ability to sell it and buy another in the sun. That is what we did.
If you rent in the UK then you can also rent in Fuerteventura (and normally cheaper too).
Many people never actually do it, they just “wish” for it. Most of the reasons why they don’t actually do it are just psychological – they put obstacles in their own way. In one breath they go from saying “I would love to live in Fuerteventura” to “but I would miss the grandchildren/family” and “but what if this or that happened?”
Easy really. We made up our minds that this is what we wanted and we made it happen. You can read all about it in … our journey to retiring and living in Fuerteventura
I decided to combine some of my hobbies and start a Youtube channel to keep me out of mischief. In these videos, and now this website, I show the island, and the way of life here. It try to show it warts and all – good and bad. Hopefully it shows that anyone can retire to Fuerteventura if they want to.
I also build websites as a hobby, as well as this one. My most popular is swimming pool related – Easy Pool Cleaning.
It is not a matter of “being lucky” as so many people say to me. If that were the case, then with my luck, I would be living somewhere really awful, such as – well I won’t say.
You will find videos and articles on living in Fuerteventura, retirement tips, dogs, woodworking, DIY, gardening and photography. I try to be your Fuerteventura guide to show what to do and where to go.
Please click “like” on any videos you enjoy as it all helps the Youtube channel grow. Also please make sure to subscribe to the channel then you will see all future videos as they are published.
If you have any questions on living in Fuerteventura don’t hesitate to make contact. I will help if I can.
Remember: You never regret the things you did – only the things you didn’t do!